Old english letters font with shadow
Old english letters font with shadow

old english letters font with shadow

If we have white text, we can use a black shadow and the text will be visible on black backgrounds and somewhat in white backgrounds as well. We used this fact on our own website.ĮDIT After OP has posted the comment, a use case of having shadows on top a solid background may be where we are not control of the background (say its coming from a CMS).

old english letters font with shadow

It is white coloured text with a dark shadow so as to give contrast on top an image without sacrificing font-weight or adding an overlay. The old Nexus website made heavy use of the fact, because the version of Roboto that looks amazing on photos is the Ultra Thin one. A dark shadow is added behind white text and a light shadow behind black text. A Big hero Image seems to be rage these days. When you don't have control over the image on top of which you are writing text, you have to ensure proper contrast for best readability. It is available in TTF and OTF formats best for pairing words. Here you can search, browse and download thousands of commercial-quality FREE fonts shared by best font designers.

old english letters font with shadow

Apart from the answer given, I would like to mention one very important Use Case where the solution is nothing BUT shadows. We provide Old English Text Mt Font that include monotype bold, italic and regular fonts. is formed in the spirit of for fonts, where creative ideas meet beautiful designs as we all know great designs last forever.

Old english letters font with shadow